Tantric Thursday has been paused to make space for new offers.

This regular workshop is for everyone who wants to live and love authentically. During each session we’ll explore some of the core principles of Tantra through embodiment, meditation and conscious connection. 

The practice offers a potent opportunity to alchemize wounds into wisdom, pain into pleasure, shame into confidence and judgment into compassion. You will leave with a deep sense of connection, joy and expansion, and with new tools that enable you to initiate deeper intimacy with yourself and others.

This workshop is perfectly suited for beginners as well as for more advanced practitioners who wish to practice regularly. You are welcome to come alone, with a friend or with a partner. Please come dressed comfortably, and feel free to bring any items that enhance your meditation and embodiment practice.

“I benefitted deeply from Sophie’s work. I felt safe enough to open my heart to new experiences and share more authentically with others. I met my edges but always felt able to express my needs or boundaries at any point.”

— Kate

Always different, yet always the same elements.

  • Embodiment

    Tantra is not something that you can learn from books. Explore the core principles of Tantra through your own embodied experience and receive insights that are most relevant to you in this very moment.

  • Conscious connection

    Experience deep intimacy though conscious connection. Explore yourself through the meeting with others. Learn new tools and skills to initiate deep intimacy and invoke sacredness in relationship.

  • Meditation

    There is no Tantra without meditation. Tantric Thursday is best described as a guided active meditation journey in which we practice loving awareness. We practice presence with an open heart.

  • Sharing

    Integrate your experience through sharing with others. Engage in active listening and recognise commonalities in our shared human experiences evoking compassion and connection.

“We were hurt in relationship which means we are going to heal in relationship”

— Gabor Maté

Florian Fröhlich

“The exercises were both challenging and liberating. I was able to explore my relationship with different aspects of myself in a way that was deeply transformative. I left the workshop feeling more connected to my body and more confident in my identity than before.”


  • These sessions are for anyone who’s curious about Tantra as a path for healing, expansion and connection. To be able to participate in the sessions it is necessary that you fully understand English and that you're able to move and sit without constrains. Feel free to reach out when you have doubts.

  • You may wear layered, comfortable clothing- something you feel good in. Further you may bring anything that you need to feel comfortable during the session. You may want to bring a refillable water bottle, your own meditation pillow or a journal.

  • Yes, you can practice together. There will be solo-, partner- and at times also group exercises. During the partner exercises you can choose to work only with your partner. Some of the partner exercises might involve a third or a fourth partner.

  • I aim to meet you where you are at and take you from there. Wherever you are is okay and more than welcome! Everyone is usually nervous and everyone brings their own bag of fear, shame, judgment, patterns and conditioning. These sessions offer a beautiful opportunity to release and transform.

  • During Tantric Friday we are keeping our clothes on.

  • During the sessions we’ll be moving, standing, laying and sitting on meditation pillows. If you can not do some of these things it might be better to wait till your injury has healed.

  • Yes this is possible. You are always invited to stay within your boundaries. At the same time, this could be a beautiful opportunity to (begin to) reprogram these negative experiences. You can let that idea sink in and simply see where you are during the class.

  • That's fully depending upon your own preference. The class is created for individuals - though couples can join as well - so usually there will be some rotation in partners. If you feel more comfortable with a friend in the room, then I’d say yes.

  • I aim to keep the energy balanced in the room. Though, it can not be guaranteed that there will always be a woman available to work with you. In this case, you can either do the exercise by yourself or, by choice, with another man. Both cases offer the opportunity for self-exploration.