“Tantra, this is it! This is what I want to study for myself, what I want to share with the world and especially with women so that all women can feel like me in this moment.”
The day this thought came to me, is the day that my Tantra journey began.
It was a day like any other, the only difference being that I felt immense energy moving through my body, both sexually and emotionally. I was not sure what to make of it and I simply continued my day. In the evening, I met my friend at a park. It was one of the first warm days in Berlin and so it was very busy outside. I could feel the sexual polarity with every single man I saw that day - even though I wasn’t necessarily attracted to them. It was intensely uncomfortable!
After coming home in the evening, I went straight in to the bathroom. I looked in to the mirror and saw myself in a way that I’ve never seen myself before. In that moment, I fell in love with myself. I later also described this experience as ‘seeing myself through the eyes of God’. The insecurities that I was dealing with at the time seemed like a joke to me. I still saw what I thought of as imperfections but I loved those too. I laughed at myself for not having been able to see this before.
After this intense surge of self-love, it suddenly dawned upon me: ‘Tantra, this is it! This is what I want to study for myself, what I want to share with the world and especially with women so that all women can feel like me in this moment.’
At that time, I had no clue what Tantra was.
And so, the exploration began. I found it very hard to find what I was looking for because quite frankly; I did not know what I was looking for! The Tantra world seemed to have all sorts of people in it and all I knew is that I wanted to learn from someone authentic who had deep wisdom reaching all the way back to its classical roots. It was the beginning of corona so I started with a year long online course.
It still took me about 1,5 years before I felt very strongly in my system that I could not continue living the same old life. The Tantra path was calling me strongly. I decided to quit my job to travel and study Tantra.
It was my spiritual yearning that brought me to Tantra and I was unaware of the profound healings effects that it would have on me.
It subtly but surely has helped me to release the protection that I held around my heart since grieving the death of my father as a teenager. It has helped me to become aware of my avoidant tendencies and creating new imprints. It has guided me to re-establish a deep connection with my body after years of approaching sexuality from my ego and wounds. It has shifted my understanding and relation to sex, restoring it to its innate sacredness. It allowed me to release physical, emotional and mental stagnation while increasing my capacity to hold it all, both pleasure and pain. It has left me with a sense of safety within my own being.
Tantra has guided me back to myself and empowers me to express that self out into the world. It continues to inspire me to celebrate life and all of its colours, to feel a deep sense of connection to one and all & to choose love, again and again.
I’m double certified as a Tantra teacher (total of 700 hours). I studied with Michaela Boehm, Ma Ananda Sarita and others in Greece, Thailand, India and Ibiza.
This is exactly what I aspire to facilitate for you!
My deep passion for Tantra is fuelled by having witnessed my own transformation as a result of these practices, re-affirming the initial thought that I want to share Tantra with others. I see it as my mission to bring more beauty and balance into this world by guiding you back to your natural expression, your inner wisdom and your divine self. When each of us is strongly rooted in love, anchored in sovereignty and confident in our expressions - we’ll literally be creating heaven on earth. A place where we are all celebrated for our unique selfs while recognising our innate oneness.

May I take you on this journey?
Now that you’ve learned a bit more about me, I’d love to know more about you. Feel free to reach out to get personalised advice on which offer could suit you. Or, if you like to stay in touch; scroll down to the end of this page to sign up for my newsletter. I put a lot of love in to it.
I look forward to meeting you! <3